Long term, Permanent
Posted 3 years ago
Main purpose
The TA will:
• Work alongside parents, class teacher, SENCO and specialist professionals to implement agreed programmes of work for an individual pupil, in and out of the classroom. This may include intimate care of particular pupils
• Promote independence, self-esteem and social inclusion
• Give support to pupils, working individually and within groups, to support access to the
curriculum, take part in learning and experience a sense of achievement
Duties and responsibilities
Teaching and learning
- Establish a constructive working relationship with pupils and parents.
- Demonstrate an informed and efficient approach to supporting children with SpecialEducational Needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Use effective behaviour management strategies consistently in line with the school’s policyand procedures
- Support class teacher and SENCO to plan and deliver a differentiated programme to matchthe SEN of individual pupil
- Organise and manage teaching space and resources to help maintain a stimulating and safelearning environment
- Deliver appropriate learning activities to pupils, promoting self-esteem and confidence
- Observe pupil performance and pass observations on to the class teacher and SENCO
- Accompany children on educational visitsPlanning
- Contribute to effective assessment and planning by supporting the monitoring, recording and reporting of pupil performance and progress
- Read and understand lesson plans and reports provided by outside agencies as needed
- Prepare the teaching space for lessons
- Develop expertise in pupils’ areas of need and advocate for them where provision could bebetter matched
Working with colleagues and other relevant professionals
- Communicate effectively with other staff members and pupils, and with parents and carers under the direction of the class teacher and SENCO
- Communicate their knowledge and understanding of pupils to other school staff and education, health and social care professionals, so that informed decision making can take place on intervention and provision
- With the class teacher, keep other professionals accurately informed of performance and progress or concerns they may have about the pupils they work with
- Understand their role in order to be able to work collaboratively with classroom teachers and other colleagues, including specialist advisory teachers
- Collaborate and work with colleagues and other relevant professionals within and beyond the school
- Develop effective professional relationships with colleagues Whole-school organisation, strategy and development
- Contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of the school’s policies, practices and procedures, so as to support the school’s values and vision
- To be aware of confidential issues linked to the pupil, home and school
- Make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school
- Attend regular training offered by the school that is pertinent to the role
- To carry out break duty supervision in accordance with the rota
- To carry out any other tasks, as reasonably directed by the Head Teacher Health and safety
- Promote the safety and wellbeing of pupils, and help to safeguard pupils’ well-being by following the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education and our school’s child protection policy
- Participate in regular First Aid training
- Be aware that challenging behaviour can be part of an individual’s SEN and demonstrate howto implement the schools behaviour policy in line with STEPs guidance
- Look after children who are upset or have had accidents, recording these in accordance withthe schools policyProfessional development
- Help keep their own knowledge and understanding relevant and up-to-date by reflecting on their own practice, liaising with school leaders, and identifying relevant professional development to improve personal effectiveness
- Take opportunities to build the appropriate skills, qualifications, and/or experience needed for the role, with support from the school
- Take part in the school’s appraisal procedures Personal and professional conduct
- Uphold public trust in the education profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school
- Have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school, and maintain high standards of attendance and punctuality
- Demonstrate positive attitudes, values and behaviours to develop and sustain effective relationships with the school community
- Respect individual differences and cultural diversity
The TA will be required to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people, andfollow school policies and the staff code of conduct.NB: this is illustrative of the general nature and level of responsibility of the role. It is not a comprehensive list of all tasks that the TA will carry out. The postholder may be required to do other duties appropriate to the level of the role, as directed by the headteacher or line manager.
Job Features
Job Category | Teaching assistant |