On Friday, the Court of Appeals ruled in favour of Ofsted who had challenged an earlier High Court ruling that cleared the Al-Hijrah school in Birmingham of Discrimination. Ofsted had argued that the school’s gender segregation was leaving female pupils “unprepared for life in modern Britain.” The Court of Appeals agreed but also ruled that the school’s policy impacted male students just as much as female students.
This ruling was strictly limited to this one school, it has however already reopened the debate regarding single sex schools and if they do actually help or hinder their pupils in the long term. Arguments from both sides are strong and passionate and it is clear that there are a number of advantages and disadvantages to single sex schools or classrooms.
The BBC provided this helpful resource guide listing some of the Pros and Cons. How do you feel about this? Are single sex schools and/or classrooms out of date or do they still offer a valuable benefit to the learning experience for children?